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News > Colombia

Precautionary Measures Needed In Colombia, FARC Requests IACHR

  • 197 people involved in the peace agreement has been murdered in 2020.

    197 people involved in the peace agreement has been murdered in 2020. | Photo: AFP/Joaquin Sarmiento

Published 26 May 2020

The petition will be formally addressed to the IACHR during a virtual meeting.

In order to stop " the systematic extermination" of those involved in the 2016 Colombian peace accords, the political party Alternative Revolutionary Force of the Commons (FARC) will request the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to take precautionary measures, as stated Tuesday.


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The measures demand the Colombian government to take action and will be formally addressed to the IACHR during a virtual meeting. These actions will be requested in favor of over 12,000 people who signed the accords in Havana, due to the fact that almost 200 of them have been killed. 

"The request is based on the repeated failure of the state to fulfill its obligation to guarantee human rights and to adopt provisions in domestic law to that end."

"It is senseless that 197 people who signed a peace agreement with the illusion of putting an end to the violence have been killed. That is why we turn to the IACHR. Ivan Duque's government must fulfill its constitutional obligation to implement the peace agreement," FARC posted on Twitter. 

The political party added that "everyone is at risk of death due to the violence occurring in the territories where their reincorporation process is taking place."

According to the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz), 20 former combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) have been killed so far this year.

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