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News > Colombia

Petro Addresses Colombian People in Defense of Social Reforms

  • Colombian President Gustavo Petro addresses the Colombian people from Bolivar Square. Sep. 27, 2023.

    Colombian President Gustavo Petro addresses the Colombian people from Bolivar Square. Sep. 27, 2023. | Photo: X/@minuto30com

Published 27 September 2023

Thousands of indigenous people and citizens from different sectors of the country took to the streets in marches and other public events organized in Colombia's 32 departments.

Speaking from Bogotá's Bolivar Square, Colombian President Gustavo Petro addressed the Colombian people who took to the streets on Wednesday in support of his government's social reforms. 

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The president urged the country's economic elites to engage in a dialogue and reach an agreement that promotes social justice. 

"We have proposed a national agreement, we have told them 'come, let's talk,' not so that the president can kneel to economic power, but so that Colombia's elites can dialogue with the people and reach agreements that generate social justice," Petro said. 

"We are going to talk about fundamental issues in society. We propose to talk about the truth, for example. The truth together with the mobilization of the people are the axes that allow us to make change happen to our offensive," he said.

His proposed rural, pension, labor and health reforms are still under study in the legislature without much success. These reforms seek to benefit traditionally excluded sectors, which accuse Congress of obstructing them.

The tweet reads, "The Colombian people mobilize for life and in support of the reforms of the Government of Change."

The president said that these reforms, presented during the first year of his administration, have as central axis life. "You, the people to whom this government owes its debt, are the objective and control of our policies. Life is the central axis of the government's program. Protecting life is the central objective of the State in general, both of nature and of human beings," Petro said. 

In addition, the Colombian president announced the presentation of a reform to public services throughout the country. It replicates the formula he applied during his term as mayor of Bogotá consisting in the implementation of a "vital minimum" for Colombia's poorest citizens.

"We are going to present a public services reform. Users have no rights. Tariffs are determined based on profitability. We believe that public service must have the user at its heart," he said.

He also praised the 'total peace' that his government is currently advancing. In this regard, Petro referred to the negotiations that government delegates are currently holding with the ELN guerrilla.

"The 'total peace' is advancing, we are not going backwards, the ELN is reaching a point of negotiation that it had never reached in its history, we are about to reach a point of no return," the president said.

Thousands of indigenous people and citizens from different sectors of the country took to the streets in marches and other public events organized in Colombia's 32 departments in support of the reforms promoted by the government of President Gustavo Petro. 

According to the president of the Workers' Union Central (CUT), Fabio Arias, with this mobilization they wish to show the country the impact of the social reforms promoted by the Government and to put political pressure on those members of Congress who are keeping their debate at a standstill.

He denounced that business sectors offer money to the political parties so that these reforms do not advance and thus ensure great privileges. In view of these circumstances, workers, peasants, students, indigenous people and other sectors have the alternative of fighting in the streets, Arias said. 


Gustavo Petro
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