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News > Peru

Peru: President Castillo Visits The Camisea Gas Fields

  • Gas extraction facilities, Camisea, Peru, 2021.

    Gas extraction facilities, Camisea, Peru, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @fronteravivanew

Published 29 October 2021

"Massing gas production does not mean nationalizing. Our plans with the Camisea gas field would not affect the expectations of other investors," Castillo stressed. 

On Friday, Peru’s President Pedro Castillo traveled to Cusco City to visit the Camisea gas field, whose production he seeks to massify so that all Peruvians can benefit from this natural resource.


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"The goal of our government is to work for the people. In our fight to guarantee that all citizens have equitable access to natural resources, expanding the Camisea gas field's production is our priority because it is the largest gas reservoir in the country," Castillo stated.

He denied the accusations made by the Peruvian opposition, which claimed that Castillo sought to promote the nationalization of private companies with this initiative.

"Massing production does not mean nationalizing. Our plans with the Camisea gas field would not affect the expectations of other investors. My government respects private property, which is protected by the Peruvian Constitution," Castillo stressed.

In September, the Castillo administration called on the consortium of Camisea, led by the Argentine Pluspetrol, to review the contracts for field exploitation to increase the tax burden of gas marketing. The company expressed interest in the initiative and its willingness to dialogue.

This initiative also seeks to build a pipeline through Cusco, Puno, Apurimac, Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna, Ayacucho, and Ucayali Cities to transport gas for more Peruvian families and reduce its costs.

For this negotiation, the president created a commission led by Prime Minister Mirtha Vazquez, Energy & Mines Minister Eduardo Gonzalez, and Foreign Affairs Minister Oscar Maurtua.

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