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Palestinian Conflict Must Be Resolved With UN Decisions: Russia

  • Victims of the indiscriminate Israeli bombings of Gaza, Oct. 8, 2023.

    Victims of the indiscriminate Israeli bombings of Gaza, Oct. 8, 2023. | Photo: X/ @HoyPalestina

Published 9 October 2023

"The potential for conflict along the Lebanon-Israel border is increasing," Russian FM Lavrov said.

On Monday, Russia and the Arab League jointly called for a definitive resolution of the Palestinian conflict based on the United Nations decisions. They advocated for the implementation of a two-state solution, fostering peaceful coexistence and security.


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"The Palestinian issue cannot be further postponed. United Nations resolutions must be upheld," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asserted during a press conference alongside the Secretary of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

Lavrov decried that "the Gaza Strip has become a target for Israeli retaliatory operations, tensions are significantly escalating in the West Bank, and the potential for conflict along the Lebanon-Israel border is increasing."

He emphasized that Russia "cannot agree with those who believe that security can only be achieved by combating extremism and terrorism" and criticized the non-compliance with United Nations resolutions on Palestine.

"This undermines the UN decisions," Lavrov said and emphasized that Washington's destructive policies hinder collective efforts within the framework of the "Middle East Quartet," which comprises the United Nations, Russia, the United States, and the European Union.

The Russian diplomat denounced that the United States, instead of promoting the Quartet's work and cooperating with the Arab League, "attempts to monopolize mediation efforts and distance the dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis from the discussion of a political solution and the creation of a Palestinian state."

Meanwhile, Gheit criticized that the "vicious cycle of violence" currently prevailing in the Middle East is a consequence of the failure to implement decisions and resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

The Arab League Secretary affirmed that their organization "takes the same logical and balanced stance as Russia has held from the early days of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

"We learned of the outcomes of Sunday's negotiations at the UN Security Council. We appreciate Russia's position on this matter, and we value it," he expressed.

The UNSC held a meeting regarding the recent conflict stemming from Hamas attacks on Israel, emphasizing the priority of protecting both Israeli and Palestinian civilians and containing the conflict, despite the absence of unanimous condemnation of the aggression.


Sergei Lavrov
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