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News > Venezuela

PSUV Supported by More than 60% Of Venezuelans - Dataviva Poll

  • The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is the main political force in the South American country. Nov. 3, 2023.

    The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is the main political force in the South American country. Nov. 3, 2023. | Photo: X/pronosticos24

Published 3 November 2023

"If the elections were tomorrow, 63.73% would vote for the PSUV candidate," Dataviva says.

The pollster Dataviva released a poll on Friday indicating that in case the presidential elections in Venezuela were held tomorrow, 63.73% of voters would choose a candidate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

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According to the poll, carried out between October 20 and 27 last, 12.09% would vote for a MUD candidate and 10.99% for other opposition candidates, while the remaining 13.20% would go for a different political alternative.

In this sense, the pollster showed that the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is the main political force in the South American country. 

Dataviva concluded that "the preference for the PSUV and the Polo Patriotico doubles in percentage terms the sum of opposition and independent candidates."

The tweet reads, "The poll by pollster Dataviva revealed that 63.73% of the population would vote for the PSUV candidate and Polo Patriótico if the presidential elections were tomorrow, in addition to measuring the possible participation of voters for the referendum on El Essequibo."

Regarding the primary elections of last October 22, organized by a sector of the opposition, Dataviva recorded the opinion of Venezuelans.

80% of those polled said they did not participate in this process, while 3% said they did participate, 17% did not know what was going on and 70% said they did not trust the results.

Likewise, 95% considered that these votes should have been organized by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which shows the trust that exists in the electoral body.

As for the consultative referendum on the Essequibo Guyana territory, to be held on December 3, 68.88% were convinced to participate, while 31.12% considered not to participate in the consultation. 
 The referendum contemplates the ratification of Venezuela's rights and its defense of the Essequibo. The five questions included in the referendum have already been approved by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ). 

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