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News > Panama

New Elections for President of Capac in Panama Dec 15

  • Panamanian Chamber of Construction's Guild (CAPAC)

    Panamanian Chamber of Construction's Guild (CAPAC) | Photo: Twitt/FeriasCAPAC

Published 30 November 2021

Engineer Carlos Allen Arosema is postulated for the presidency of the guild of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction(Capac), next Dec. 15.

On Dec. 15, elections will be held at the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) to select the new president and board of directors that will govern the guild's purposes in 2022.


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Voting will occur at Capac's headquarters, at an Extraordinary Assembly where the results will be announced. As stipulated, the president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary, fiscal, will be elected.

Also to be chosen during the session will be the directors representing the categories of general and specialty contractor, developer and real estate, consultant and professional, banking, insurance and surety, real estate broker, manufacturer and supplier.

Engineer Carlos Allen Arosema is running for the presidency of the guild. He has experience in construction and housing events; he has held several positions, such as vice president of the organizing committee from 2011-2012.

The meme reads: CAPAC 2022 ELECTIONS. Dec. 15. CAPAC Administrative Offices: Training Room 2. Daytime voting hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Evening voting day: 5:00 p.m. onwards.

Allen currently holds the position of first vice president and has served in various positions as a project engineer, manager and promoter of real estate projects.

For the contractor category, there are 11 nominations, from which a slate of seven people will be selected to represent the company on the Board of Directors.

There are four candidates for the developer and real estate, as well as for banking, insurance or bonding, while for manufacturer-supplier and real estate broker, there are three applicants. In the category of consultants and professionals, there are seven candidates. In these last five categories, Capac chooses one candidate.

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