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News > Latin America

Mercosur Communications Network Supports Venezuela's Constituent Assembly

  • Venezuelans come out in support of the Constituent Assembly.

    Venezuelans come out in support of the Constituent Assembly. | Photo: Agencia Venezolana de Noticias

Published 2 August 2017

The network said Venezuela's ANC is "a tool to consolidate the people's participation," congratulating the effort.

The Network of Communicators of Mercosur expressed solidarity with Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution, fully recognizing the results of the National Constituent Assembly held July 30.

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"After evaluating the tactical and factual results of the elections carried out in Venezuela, the Network of Communicators expresses not only its solidarity with the revolutionary process but also with the unforgettable memory of Commander Hugo Chavez Frias," the organization stated, according to El Radio del Sur.

Pedro Lanteri, a journalist and member of the network, said the organization “welcomes and celebrates the constituent assembly and considers it a tool to consolidate the people's participation in moving towards the construction of socialism."

Speaking during an interview on the Evening Train program, Lanteri also emphasized Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's quest to give voice to those who have been historically silenced by those who held power prior to the Bolivarian Revolution.

Lanteri also denounced Argentina's government, led by President Mauricio Macri, in its effort to delegitimize Venezuela's ANC.

He affirmed that the people of Argentina “strongly support” the ANC which is “a tool that allows progress towards the construction of true socialism in our continent.”

While Venezuela's democratic ANC has received support from many corners of the world — including the Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Council of Electoral Specialists of Latin America, just to name a few — the country's leaders have been deemed dictators, sanctioned, and threatened by a U.S. government that came to power garnering second place in the popular vote and being installed by the country's electoral college.

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