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News > Argentina

Marches in Argentina After Protester Death in Police Violence

  • This violent event takes place in Argentina shortly before August 13, when the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (PASO) elections will be held. Aug. 11, 2023.

    This violent event takes place in Argentina shortly before August 13, when the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (PASO) elections will be held. Aug. 11, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@RFI_Es

Published 11 August 2023

Facundo Molares was reportedly held by the capital city police with his head on the ground and his hands behind his back, as part of the repression of a small peaceful protest that did not block traffic in the square surrounding the Obelisk.

Members of political, social and union organizations mobilized this Friday in Buenos Aires to claim for the death of Facundo Molares. The Argentine photojournalist died the day before while participating in a demonstration that was repressed by the police.

Electoral Ban Begins in Argentina Ahead of Primary Elections

Hundreds of people participated in the marches around the capital's Obelisk against "repression by police forces and demanding justice." 

The demonstrators displayed banners demanding "Not one more dead for fighting." For its part, the Argentine militant collective Marabunta demanded "For justice and for the Memory of Facundo Molares. Let rage become organization."

The head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, had said that Molares suffered a decompensation after being arrested on Thursday by the capital police. The militant of the group Rebelión Popular along with other demonstrators was protesting against the holding of the primary elections in Argentina, which will be held on Sunday.

The tweet reads, "Tragic end for former Farc photojournalist: dies in demonstration in Buenos Aires. From guerrilla fighter to photojournalist: the shocking story of Facundo Morales."

Today's demonstrations were called by political and social organizations such as the Polo Obrero, the Frente Popular Darío Santillán, the Unión de Trabajadores de la Economía Popular (UTEP), the two sections of the Central de Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA) and the Movimiento Evita, among other groups.

"It is unacceptable a disproportionate repression to a mobilization that was already disarming. The criminal attitude of the City Police is a message, a sad closing of Rodríguez Larreta's campaign," said the general secretary of the Autonomous Argentine Workers' Central (CTA Autónoma), Hugo Cachorro Godoy.

The Deputy Secretary, Ricardo Peidro, said that what happened with Morales "was an assassination, regardless of how they want to say it. Those speeches of the ultra-right to win votes are transformed into deeds, as we saw in Jujuy with the comrades."

Several social organizations denounced in a communiqué that Facundo Morales was thrown to the ground by the police forces "they pressed him with his legs against the asphalt, kicked him and only released him when a demonstrator who was filming them shouted at them to make them realize that he was no longer moving and was all black and blue."

According to reports, the capital's police kept him with his head on the ground and his hands behind his back, as part of the repression of a small peaceful protest that was not blocking traffic in the square surrounding the Obelisk.

This violent event takes place in Argentina shortly before August 13, when the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Obligatory Elections (PASO) will be held to choose the candidates who will be able to run in the general elections of October 22.

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