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News > Venezuela

Maduro Confirms Arrest of 13 Terrorists Involved in Armed Raid

  • The head of state denounced that the war operation against the country's stability had been prepared since March 10.

    The head of state denounced that the war operation against the country's stability had been prepared since March 10. | Photo: @PresidencialVE

Published 4 May 2020

"We have captured 13 terrorists, the security forces seized war material that they had ready to execute their plan," said the president.

The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, revealed on Monday details about the maritime armed incursion that sought to destabilize the South American nation, he also denounced that the Government of Colombia and U.S. President Donald Trump participated by supporting the terrorist acts.

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"A terrorist attack against Venezuela is being prepared from Colombia ... the Government of the United States decided to use the time of the pandemic for a terrorist attack, to fill the country with violence and have a justification for another military escalation of intervention, "said the head of state.

The President said that in the face of the humanitarian tragedy caused in the United States by Covid-19, they try to divert public attention by attacking Venezuela, "these are Washington's strategic actions to divert attention. It is criminal to do this amid a pandemic," he added.

"The U.S. is looking for excuses to invade Venezuela, and that is why it uses mercenaries. The operation started from Colombia, Cliver Alcalá confessed that he signed a contract. This investigation had been going on for some time, and we have had good sources of information," said the President.

The head of state indicated that the Minister of Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, denounced the warlike action before the United Nations, "our Chancellor spoke with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, and recorded new evidence of the participation of the Government of Colombia and Donald Trump to invade and fill Venezuela with terrorism, "he added.

"We were able to uncover this terrorist incursion, knowing that the United States government delegated the DEA for the preparation of this action and in a SilverCorp private company all its operational planning," denounced the President.

Maduro said that the DEA sought drug trafficking groups to join efforts and promote terrorism in the South American nation. "The DEA sought out the bosses and cartels of the Colombian and Venezuelan northeast and several states in the country, particularly Falcón, La Guaira, Caracas, and Miranda," he emphasized. 

Likewise, the head of state denounced that the war operation against the stabilization of the country had been prepared since March 10, "it depended on a call that the opposition could trigger a set of violent events and create an escalation, the appeal failed, and then Quarantine begins (...) then Iván Duque's visit to Washington is given, and he is ordered to set Venezuela on fire," he said.

"Since Friday night, we had confirmation of the start of operations, and from 7:00 pm, we activated all the protection mechanisms for the coast (...) The opposition tried to deny the facts, to mock, while the U.S. government opted for silence, 48 hours later, they have said nothing, " said the Venezuelan leader.

The President reiterated that since the early hours of Monday morning, he ordered the Bolivarian Shield to be activated in defense of the Homeland. "I ordered last night bring to operational status 25,000 men of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (...) special forces, commando groups, paratroopers, Bolivarian Police officers, went in search and capture of terrorist groups," he added. 

"They tried to defraud a terrorist. Jordan Goudreau left evidence of the contract with the opposition. The operation was defeated from the beginning. Since dawn, command groups carry out operations in Bolivarian Shield Exercises," said the head of state.

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