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News > Argentina

Kirchner's Son Quits Presidency of Deputies’ Bloc After IMF Deal

  • Alberto Fernández, together with the candidate for deputy Leandro Santoro, Sergio Massa, president of the Chamber of Deputies, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kisilof, and Maximo Kirchner

    Alberto Fernández, together with the candidate for deputy Leandro Santoro, Sergio Massa, president of the Chamber of Deputies, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kisilof, and Maximo Kirchner | Photo: EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

Published 31 January 2022

Argentine Congressman Maximo Kirchner, son of Vice President Cristina Fernandez and former President Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007), announced in a statement on Monday his resignation as President of the ruling Frente de Todos bloc in the Chamber of Deputies for being against the agreement between the Government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced last Friday.

"I have decided not to continue to be in charge of the presidency of the Frente de Todos' Block of Deputies. This decision stems from not sharing the strategy used and much less the results obtained in the negotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), carried out exclusively by the economic cabinet and the negotiating group that responds to and has the absolute confidence of the President of the Nation, to whom I never failed to tell my vision not to reach this result", says the statement published in networks.

 Argentina Reached An Agreement With The IMF To Pay Its Debt

Kirchner, however, will remain within the bloc "to facilitate the task of the president and his entourage."

"It is better to step aside so that, in that way, he can choose someone who believes in this program of the International Monetary Fund, not only in the immediate but also looking beyond December 10, 2023," it adds.

In the message, Kirchner recalls that it was former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) who "brought Argentina back to the IMF" and it was Néstor Kirchner, "through the historic cancellation of a debt of 9.8 billion dollars", who managed to "banish" the financial organization from the country "for being the key trigger in every economic crisis since the return of democracy."

"We knew that this would be the biggest problem for our country. Especially due to the magnitude and exceptionality of the loan that reached 57,000 million dollars (almost six times the amount canceled in 2005) and of which 44,500 million dollars were disbursed in only one year, forgiving in addition, each and every one of the defaults of the Macri Government and violating its own Articles of Incorporation", summarizes the brief.

The son of the Kirchner-Fernandez couple ends the paragraph by saying, "Macri had to win the election."

"For some, pointing out and proposing to correct the mistakes and abuses of the IMF that never harm the organization and its bureaucracy is irresponsible. For me, what is irrational and inhuman, is not to do so", he argues in the communiqué, aimed at the same space he is part of.

Consequently, Kirchner recalls that, as head of the bloc, he accompanied the sanctioning of the law that approved the restructuring of the private debt in foreign currency, without capital write-off but with interest write-off, carried out by the Government in 2020, "despite being in profound disagreement with some of its articles."

"I do not regret having provided a deal that was not reciprocal. I understood from the moment CFK (Cristina Fernández de Kirchner) instructed us to build the Frente de Todos that what happened until its conformation could not obstruct what was to come. Unfortunately, I was one of the few who acted in that way", says the statement.

In the statement, also addressed to the legislators of the Frente de Todos, he confesses that "it would be more than wrong to cling to the Presidency of the Block when it is not possible to accompany a project of such a decisive centrality in terms of the present and the years to come."

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