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News > Iraq

Iraq Calls for Emergency UN Meeting Over Turkish Attack

  • Iraq Submits Complaint to UN Against Turkey After Zakho Attack.

    Iraq Submits Complaint to UN Against Turkey After Zakho Attack. | Photo: Twitter @mutludc

Published 24 July 2022

Turkish forces launched an artillery attack on a tourist resort in Dohuk province in the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan on Wednesday, leaving more than 30 people killed or wounded. 

The Iraqi government decided to take the recent Turkish offensive to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), thus calling for an emergency meeting. 


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"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter of complaint to the Security Council and requested it to hold an emergency session to discuss the Turkish aggression" against Iraq, Iraqi Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmad al-Sahaf announced.

In an interview with the local news agency INA on Saturday, the diplomat also stated that his country decided to summon its chargé d'affaires in Ankara (Turkish capital). 

On the other hand, the spokesman made it clear that there is no security and military agreement with Turkey, echoing earlier statements by a member of the Iraqi parliament's security and defense committee, who announced that the security agreement between Baghdad and Ankara has come to an end.

Turkish forces launched an artillery attack on a tourist resort in Dohuk province in the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan on Wednesday, leaving more than 30 people killed or wounded. 

In turn, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry asserted that high levels of diplomatic responses to Ankara will be adopted.

 Moreover, the Asaib Ahl al-Haq group, which is part of the Popular Mobilization Units (Al-Hashad Al-Shabi, in Arabic), called on Friday on the Government, Parliament, political groups and the people of Iraq to take a unified position to respond to Turkey.

In fact, the group warned that, if the Parliament of the Arab country does not respond to Ankara, this movement together with the Iraqi people will confront the Turkish occupation and its offensives. 

Despite all the evidence Ankara denies any link with the attack, and the Iraqi Foreign Ministry called it a “bitter joke” that Türkiye would deny its role in the crime, and at the same time demanded the Turkish government to compensate the families of the victims.

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