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News > Iran

Iran Denounces US-Israel-Saudi Arabia Plot to Kill Scientist

  • Soldiers carry the coffin of slain Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 30, 2020.

    Soldiers carry the coffin of slain Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 30, 2020. | Photo: EFE

Published 1 December 2020

Advocates of "maximum pressure" politics are trying to seize Trump's last days in office to generate chaos in the Middle East region.

Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Tuesday assured that the murder of the head of the Iranian nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was part of a conspiracy between the U.S., Israel, and Saudi Arabia.


Iran's Nuclear Program Director Killed in Terrorist Attack

"U.S. President Donald Trump's advocates are trying to use his last days in power to create chaos and damage the possibility of eliminating anti-Iranian measures," Zarif said.

On Nov. 24, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met secretly with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabian Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Israel's local outlets reported Netanyahu attended the meeting, which took place in Saudi Arabia, accompanied by Mossad, Tel Avi intelligence service's Chief Yossi Cohen.

"Pompeo's urgent trips to the region, the secret meetings illustrate a conspiracy that unfortunately ended with the cowardly terrorist act of November 27," Zarif revealed as he recalled that the Mossad carried out the scientist's assassination.

In the first hours after the attack, Iran detected that most of the comments generated on Twitter were aimed at creating opposition against the nuclear agreement and Iranian cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Ninety-three percent of 10,000 tweets analyzed came from fake, anonymous accounts with a less-than-a-year history. Most of them had foreign origins.

Fahrizadeh's murder was carried out with a remotely operated automatic weapon. The participation of a commando group was ruled out.

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