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News > Latin America

Hitmen Kill Amazon Indigenous Leader in Peru

  • Aerial view of Santa Maria de Nieva town in the Amazon, Peru. 2021.

    Aerial view of Santa Maria de Nieva town in the Amazon, Peru. 2021. | Photo: La Republica

Published 20 December 2021

Besides denouncing that the Police did not undertake an immediate pursuit of the murderers, villangers recalled that Antonio Yagkuag Baais had received death threats from human traffickers.

The head of the Peruvian Council of Ministers Mirtha Vasquez demanded a thorough investigation into the murder of Indigenous leader Antonio Yagkuag Baais, the president of the Santa Maria de Nieva's Indigenous, Farmer, and Urban Patrols (CONAR), who was shot dead by a sicarios commando on Dec. 17.


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"I want to express my concern and condolences to the Awajun people and relatives of the CONAR President Antonio Yagkuag Baais," said Vasquez, who is known for her background as an environmental and social activist.

Energy and Mines Minister Eduardo Gonzalez also referred to the murder of the Amazonian indigenous leader and requested punishment for those responsible for his death.

On Friday, Yagkuag Baais was traveling in a motorcycle taxi when he was intercepted by unknown armed men who shot him at point-blank range. Given the severity of his injuries, he was declared dead upon arrival at the local hospital.

Witnesses said that an unknown person intercepted the taxi, another hitman shot the Indigenous leader, and a third armed subject waited for the murderer in a nearby port to facilitate his escape through a boat that moved towards the confluence of the Amazon and Nieva rivers.

Besides denouncing that the Police did not undertake an immediate pursuit of the murderers, villangers expressed that Yagkuag Baais had received death threats from mafias trafficking Amazonian women.

Besides requesting the Police to investigate human trafficking cases in a timely manner, he had asked journalists to report any mistreatment or abuse against Indigenous peoples. Yagkuag Baais also warned that the Indigenous patrols would take their own actions if the authorities did nothing.

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