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News > Chile

General Strike Called for Friday in Chile

  • Since October 2019, Chile has been in the midst of numerous protests that have resulted in repression and violence by the State.

    Since October 2019, Chile has been in the midst of numerous protests that have resulted in repression and violence by the State. | Photo: Twitter @enough14

Published 5 March 2021

The end of institutional violence and the resignation of President Piñera are among the demands of the mobilized.

The days of mobilization against Chilean president, Sebastián Piñera, which include the demand to put an end to the state of emergency in the country's southern region, will reach a new milestone this Friday with many different calls for a general strike.


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The mobilization is being self-convened from the territories. Its origin is attributed to the violence exercised by State agents, among which they cite as an example the recent murder of a juggler at the hands of a Carabinero in Panguipulli, and blame President Sebastián Piñera for how the executive has dealt with the situation, whom they accuse of doing nothing about the state violence.

The president had his most challenging month in October 2019, when the Chilean people mobilized against the social and current political system. From the State, the response was very violent and resulted in more than 500 people with eye trauma, others tortured and killed.

In the new call from different territories at the national level, mostly centered in the Araucanía region, they demand the resignation of Sebastián Piñera for his mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic, the concrete demand being to schedule the presidential elections earlier to hasten Piñera's exit.

This Friday's event takes place a week after a new episode of violence by the Special Forces of Carabineros de Chile when they repressed thousands of people gathered at the Plaza de la Dignidad (Plaza Baquedano) in Santiago to demand the release of political prisoners.

The citizenry demands that political prisoners be released, mostly young people detained since the mass protests of late 2019 to date. Only three detainees have been released, in all cases for lack of evidence and after more than ten months in prison.

Since October 2019, there have been numerous days of mobilizations extending to date, which, thanks to widespread pressure, boosted the process of constitutional reform, which is ongoing and has elections for the Constituent Assembly scheduled for next month.

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