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News > Ecuador

Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office Building is Attacked

  • Headquarters of the Prosecutor's Office in Quito, Ecuador.

    Headquarters of the Prosecutor's Office in Quito, Ecuador. | Photo: teleSUR

Published 15 June 2023

The criminal activities of armed gangs have intensified since Guillermo Lasso assumed the Ecuadorian presidency two years ago.

On Wednesday, the Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office condemned the armed attack carried out against one of its headquarters in the province of Santo Domingo, where the assailant was killed by police officers.


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The Public Ministry also requested that government authorities assign more security personnel to safeguard the facilities of the Institution on a national scale.

In a statement, they rejected "the armed attack against officials and users who were in the building of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Santo Domingo this afternoon."

The attack ended when police officers neutralized and killed the assailant, added the Prosecutor's Office, reaffirming its commitment to work for justice without yielding to "any form of intimidation."

The Prosecutor's Office complained to the Interior Ministry that their persistent request to assign "police personnel to provide security at the facilities of this Institution on a national scale" has not yet been addressed.

The daily activities carried out by investigators and administrative staff of the Prosecutor's Office "entail a high level of risk," especially due to the current insecurity situation caused by the actions of criminal gangs.

In Ecuador, violence from organized crime has intensified over the past two years, and news about murders committed by hitmen, extortions, kidnappings, assaults, and robberies, appear daily. These incidents are generated by national organized crime groups that maintain ties to international drug trafficking gangs.

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