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News > Venezuela

Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Begins

  • Venezuela’s ruling Socialist Party (PSUV) is celebrating its fifth congress in Caracas with over 2,000 delegations, 25 popular movements as well as leftist leaders from across the world.

    Venezuela’s ruling Socialist Party (PSUV) is celebrating its fifth congress in Caracas with over 2,000 delegations, 25 popular movements as well as leftist leaders from across the world. | Photo: Twitter @venanalysis

Published 7 March 2022

The fifth Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the governing party, is taking place in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital.

Several delegates filled the largest theater in the city of Caracas to participate in the inaugural session of the Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the largest political party in Latin America, founded by former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.


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The Congress aims to update the party line to the new objectives outlined by the Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, for the next 8 years, summarized in three R's: resistance, rebirth and revolution, beginning a new stage of transition to socialism.

The delegates to the congress of the governing party in Venezuela represent 25 social and economic sectors, the party structure in each state and in the capital. Also, delegates representing political parties and social sectors from 24 countries from several continents arrived in Venezuela.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Nicolás Maduro asked that there should be no clemency with those party members who fall into acts of corruption, in reference to a recent case where members of the PSUV in the western state of Zulia were arrested by police authorities for being part of a drug trafficking network.

2400 delegates from all over Venezuela will discuss until next Tuesday the organization of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for the new medium term challenge which has been called by President Maduro as the new stage of transition to socialism.

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