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Chinese, French, Italian Foreign Ministers Dialogue on Ukraine

  • People leaving Ukraine, March 10, 2022.

    People leaving Ukraine, March 10, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @AndyVermaut

Published 10 March 2022

Wang said that European countries should conduct in-depth and comprehensive discussions with Russia in accordance with the principle of the indivisibility of security.

On Thursday, foreign affairs ministers Wang Yi (China), Jean-Yves Le Drian (France), and Minister Luigi Di Maio (Italy) held virtual meetings to discuss the Ukrainian conflict.


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"China's stance is consistent and clear. We would like to see an early ceasefire and cessation of fighting, which is also the common aspiration of the international community," Wang told Le Drian.

Concerning the three rounds of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, Wang said that although there remain obvious differences between the two sides, the differences will be reduced each time the two speak, the hope for peace will increase, and the goal of a ceasefire and cessation of fighting will be further advanced. Regarding the humanitarian situation, Wang said that China has not only made great efforts to evacuate Chinese nationals, but has also played a positive role in evacuating citizens of other countries, especially students.

The Chinese minister also notated that his country always opposes long-arm jurisdiction and unilateral sanctions that have no basis in international law. Unlimited sanctions will undermine the stability of international industrial and supply chains, aggravate the food and energy crisis, and hurt people's livelihoods in all countries.

For his part, Le Drian said that France is ready to continue cooperation with China at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and contribute to preventing a humanitarian crisis and promoting the diplomatic settlement of the Ukraine issue.

During the meeting with the Italian minister, Wang said that the Ukraine crisis is closely related to European stability, and China fully understands the great concern of European countries. He said European countries should conduct in-depth and comprehensive discussions with Russia on the basis of the agreement reached so far and in accordance with the principle of the indivisibility of security, so as to form a balanced, effective and sustainable European security framework and achieve lasting peace and stability in Europe.

Di Maio said that Italy is paying close attention to China's humanitarian proposal and stands ready to strengthen communication with China and make joint efforts to promote peace talks. The European security mechanism requires equal consultation among all parties to achieve win-win outcomes, the Italian foreign affairs minister aded.


Wang Yi
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