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Chile: Constitutional Plebiscite Advances With Normality

  • Voters in line to cast their cast to the vote in this Sunday constitutional plebiscite.

    Voters in line to cast their cast to the vote in this Sunday constitutional plebiscite. | Photo: X/@ServelChile

Published 17 December 2023

In Chile, citizens go to the polls this Sunday in a new constitutional plebiscite held after the failure of the referendum held in 2022.

After the polling stations opened this morning at 08:00, the Electoral Service reported that after more than two hours since the beginning of the 2023 constitutional plebiscite, 99.00% of the polling stations have been constituted at the national level and the authorities reported that the day is normal.


Chile is Ready For a Second Plebiscite This Sunday 17th

These are 39,114 tables that are ready to receive the votes of those who must decide whether they are "Against" or "In favor" of the proposed constitution written by the Constitutional Council.

Also the Electoral Service (SERVEL) announced that abroad, on a universe of 347 polling stations, a total of 231 are installed, equivalent to 66.57 percent, and In Hanoi, Vietnam; Jakarta, Indonesia; Hong Kong, China; and Rabat, Morocco they failed to install polling stations.

In Chile, citizens go to the polls this Sunday in a new constitutional plebiscite held after the failure of the referendum held in 2022.

About 15 million Chileans were called for this day, who will decide whether to approve a new proposal for Magna Carta by the Constitutional Council.

At the national level there are 39,390 tables, of which 39,114 are constituted, while abroad there are 347, the Electoral Service called for peaceful voting without violence, while recalling that those who do not attend the day may be fined.

The options are a new Magna Carta written by the majority of the right, or continue with the legacy of the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990).

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