Brazilian oil company Petrobras on Monday concluded the sale of two natural gas production fields located offshore in the Atlantic Ocean.
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The consortium formed by OP Energia and DBO Energia will deliver US$55 million to the Brazilian state-owned company for the Peroa and Cangoa fields and the exploratory block BM-ES-21.
The operation foresees the immediate payment of US$5 million on Monday. The new owners must also transfer US$7.5 million at the closing of the transaction and US$42.5 million in contingent payments foreseen in the contract.
According to the official justification for the privatization, the sale of Polo Peroa seeks to optimize Petrobras' portfolio and increase competition in the domestic oil sector through private companies.
Once the transaction is concluded, OP Energia and DBO Energia will share exploration rights in fields whose average production is 658,000 cubic meters per day of natural gas.
The closing of the deal now depends on the approval of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Fuels (ANP).
The divestment plan of Petrobras, a company that is currently controlled by President Jair Bolsonaro's administration, foresees the sale of assets for up to US$23 billion until 2023.