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News > Venezuela

Bolton Bemoans Venezuela's Upcoming Democratic Elections

  • President Nicolas Maduro and First Combatant Cilia Flores at a recent rally opposing the US blockade.

    President Nicolas Maduro and First Combatant Cilia Flores at a recent rally opposing the US blockade. | Photo: Prensa Presidencial

Published 27 August 2019

President Nicolas Maduro pointed out that the U.S., along with Venezuela’s opposition boycott elections when they feel they do not have sufficient support to win.

U.S. National Securiy Adviser John Bolton stated on Monday that the U.S. would oppose, before they are even held, the legislative elections, announced last week by the National Constituent Assembly, despite the fact that early elections have long been a demand of the opposition. 


Opinion: US Already Interfering in Upcoming Venezuelan Elections

The comments come as the head of Venezuela's National Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, announced the previous week that “Whatever happens, there will be parliamentary elections here before December 31, 2020”

Diosdado Cabello also stressed the legitimacy of the upcoming elections, saying “It is important to remind people that in 2015 parliamentary elections were held and that the election was won by the opposition. In addition, it must be remembered that they won with the same electoral system that we have now, and with the participation of observers and international companions” 

Nevertheless, war hawk John Bolton took to Twitter on Monday to say that he would support self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido’s decision  “to oppose any early legislative elections”, despite fresh elections being an opposition demand.

The decision by the opposition, and the U.S., to boycott democratic elections has long been a tactic. In a recent interview with the Grayzone, President Nicolas Maduro pointed out that Venezuela’s opposition boycott elections when they feel they do not have sufficient support to win.

President Maduro has also highlighted that in the past 20 years, Chavista forces have won 23 out of 25 elections held. With all elections being held with an electoral system praised internationally and with international observers.

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