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Bolivia's Constitutional Top Court Rejects the Existence of Indefinite Re-election

  • Previously, in 2017 previous judges of the entity had authorized the former president Evo Morales to run as a candidate.

    Previously, in 2017 previous judges of the entity had authorized the former president Evo Morales to run as a candidate. | Photo: Facebook: Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional de Bolivia

Published 30 December 2023

In a recent statement, former President Evo Morales expressed his dissatisfaction with the TCP ruling that indefinite re-election is not a human right.

The Plurinational Constitutional Court (TCP) of Bolivia issued a ruling in which it rejects that indefinite reelection is in force in the country and affirming that it is not a human right, local media reported this Friday. The sources indicated that the TCP issued on Thursday, December 28, the constitutional ruling that indefinite presidential re-election does not exist in the South American country.


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The TCP also upheld the advisory opinion submitted by the Colombian government in 2019 to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR)with the aim of interpreting the scope of the figure of indefinite presidential reelection in the context of the Inter-American Human Rights System.

According to the decision of the TCP judges, the president and vice president in Bolivia can only exercise their mandate for two continuous or discontinuous periods.

El comité de defensa del expresidente Evo Morales defendió a su líder en torno al fallo del Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional (TCP) y la no existencia de la reelección presidencial indefinida y afirmó que dicha decisión no lo inhabilita como candidato a las elecciones de 2025.

Previously, in 2017 previous judges of the entity had authorized the former president Evo Morales to run as a candidate with the argument that, according to the same Court, re-election constituted a human right.

Among the politicians who expressed their satisfaction appears the former de facto president Jeanine Áñez, who is in prison for the political and social crisis unleashed after the contested elections of 2019, Luis Fernando Camacho, also imprisoned, and the emandatario Jorge Fernando Quiroga Ramírez.

In a recent statement, former President Evo Morales expressed his dissatisfaction with the TCP ruling that indefinite re-election is not a human right.


Evo Morales
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