After the general elections held in Bolivia last October 18, which was won by the Movement to Socialism (MAS), there is a strong female presence in both the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate.
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The MAS achieved a majority in the Senate with 21 seats, of which 10 are occupied by women.
The Citizens' Community won 11 seats, seven of them for women, while We Believe won four, two of them for women.
As for the Chamber of Representatives, 48.33 percent of the plurinominals are men, while 51.6 percent of the seats will be held by women. Meanwhile, Women's hegemony returns in the uninominals with 57.14 percent of the seats.
Indigenous representation will be led by women with 57.14 percent. Also, 55.56 of the supra-state representatives are women.
A significant number of elected women parliamentarians are new faces, which shows the confidence of the electorate in their female representatives.
According to the Map of Women in Politics 2020 of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and United Nations Women, Bolivia ranks third in the world, after Rwanda and Cuba, in terms of women's representation in Parliament.