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News > Latin America

Bolivarian Revolution Has Delivered 4.1 Million Dwellings

  • Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (C), June 23, 2022.

    Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (C), June 23, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @NicolasMaduro

Published 24 June 2022

On Thursday, the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro approved the allocation of more public resources for the provision of social housing to those who need it most.

In a ceremony held in Tuina's City neighborhood Ezquiel Zamora on Thursday, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro handed over the 4,100,000th house built by the program the Venezuelan Great Social Housing Mission (GMVV).


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“Here and now, we are delivering the dwelling number 4,100,000. Whether in good or bad times, the effort must be recognized,” he said, emphasizing that each house delivered complies with the mandates of the Bolivarian constitution and offers security to the new generations of Venezuelans.

“With revolutionary conscience, love, and soul, we must build Community Councils, keep public spaces beautiful, and consult the popular self-government for all issues of interest,” he recalled.

The Head of State also asked the owners of the new dwellings to be the protagonists of new ways of living in community throughout the Venezuelan territory.

Maduro urged the GMVV program to continue to be an expression of socialist values ​​such as understanding and respect for the needs of citizens. In this way, it will remain at the forefront of building a participatory democracy through the construction of dwellings.

On Thursday, the Venezuelan president approved the allocation of more public resources for the purchase of construction materials, which will allow the provision of social housing for those who need it most.

In this way, the Bolivarian government fulfills the word given to the citizens who participated in an assembly of tenants and settlers held in recent days.

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