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Afghan Tricolor Flag Defies the Taliban on Independence Day

  • Citizens wave the flag of the Republic of Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2021.

    Citizens wave the flag of the Republic of Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @TheICIR

Published 19 August 2021

The Taliban will have difficulty convincing Afghans they can handle the economic crisis, especially after the IMF decided to prevent them from accessing cash reserves equivalent to half a billion U.S. dollars.

On Thursday, August 19, Afghans celebrated the 102nd anniversary of their country's independence from the British Empire by waving their tricolor flag as a symbol of resistance to the Taliban.


China Hopes Taliban Will Follow Through Its Positive Statements

The situation in Afghanistan is developing rapidly. Former President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani announced from the United Arab Emirates that he had to leave office after threats to be beheaded if he continued to stay in the presidential palace, further angering citizens who oppose the Taliban and their seizure of power.

Observers believe the Taliban will have difficulty convincing Afghans they can handle the economic crisis, especially after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) decided to prevent them from accessing cash reserves equivalent to half a billion U.S. dollars.

On the ground, rituals to commemorate Ashura took place peacefully in Afghanistan, especially in Kabul where the Shiite Muslims made it clear the Taliban did not prevent them in any way from holding these ceremonies in their Shiite way. This is considered a radical change in this particular context, from the previous attitude of the Taliban as Sunni fundamentalists.

It is known from Taliban commanders that they received orders from the leadership to preserve the security of all citizens on this day, without allowing any action to take place that would limit or stop such ceremonies.

The evacuation of those wishing to leave Afghanistan continues through Kabul's airport and Afghan crossings opened with Pakistan either in the east through the Torkham crossing or in the south through the Spin Buldak crossing. Therefore, fearful citizens wishing to leave Afghanistan and those believing that their stay in a country ruled by the Taliban is no longer possible began to decrease.

Informed sources explain that basic sectors of the country such as health and education are partially returning to normal as rapid participation by all citizens is required.

At the same time, however, Taliban are not likely to let these sectors be as they were before and the time to do so will surely be at the expense of the Afghan citizen who suffered from the U.S. occupation and now face the consequences of their departure.


Ashraf Ghani
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