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5 Ways the US is Interfering in Venezuela

Published 21 January 2015

There is hard evidence that the United States government has been trying to destabilize Venezuela since the election of socialist President Hugo Chavez in 1998 to the current government of President Nicolas Maduro. Let’s count down the top 5 ways.

1. The 2002 coup

Intelligence documents showed that the CIA and Bush administration officials were involved in helping the 2002 coup plotters overthrow the democratically-elected government of Hugo Chavez.

2. Sanctions

Obama signed a law in 2014 allowing him to sanction Venezuelan officials for alleged involvement in putting down violent right wing student protests.

3. National Endowment for Democracy

The United States National Endowment for Democracy has channeled multimillion dollar funding into right-wing opposition political parties.

4. Student movement funding

United States agencies, USAID, NED, IRI, NDI, Freedom House, AEI and ICNC have funneled money into right-wing student groups who aim to destabilize the government, under the guise of “democracy.”

5. Yon Goicoechea

The libertarian, U.S.-based Cato Institute awarded the $500,000 “Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty” to Venezuelan opposition student leader Yon Goicoechea who led student-organized street violence against Venezuela's democratically-elected government.

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