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News > Bolivia

Bolivia: El Alto Citizens Seek Justice for the Sekata Victims

  • Children affected by tear gas in El Alto city, Bolivia, March, 2020.

    Children affected by tear gas in El Alto city, Bolivia, March, 2020. | Photo: Twitter/ @NegraRoca1980

Published 6 March 2020

The U.S.-backed president Añez has not taken legal action against those responsible for the Senkata massacre. ​​​​​

During a rally carried out in El Alto city on Thursday, Bolivians demanded the self-proclaimed President Jeanine Añez to respond for the Senkata massacre, which left 36 dead in Nov. 2019.​​​​


Bolivia: Senate Session Ends Amid Protests and Tear Gas

The former senator has not offered a convincing response to those affected by the violence that the Bolivian security forces deployed to guarantee the success of her coup d'etat.​​​​​​

“I pay tribute to all the people of El Alto, their heroes, families, and courage. Because they are always there to defend freedom and democracy... We are going for a better future for this city,” Añez said.

So far, however, she has not offered apologies or compensation for the victims. Nor has Añez taken legal action against those responsible for the deaths.​​​​​​

Bolivia's former president Evo Morales has denounced the abuses committed by the U.S.-backed regime, which is destroying institutions, policies, and laws built for the protection of the population's human rights. 

The events at El Alto provoked the rage of victims' relatives who expressed their discontent by confronting the police and throwing eggs to former presidential candidate Oscar Ortiz.  

The Ombudsman's Office condemned the indiscriminate use of tear gas and reminded the Bolivian police that their actions must respect "international standards for the protection and guarantee of individual rights and collectives.”​​​​​​​

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