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Chinese FM Proposes Three Principles for China-Europe Relations

  • Qin Gang, Foreign Minister of China and his counterpart Anniken Huitfeldt. May. 14, 2023.

    Qin Gang, Foreign Minister of China and his counterpart Anniken Huitfeldt. May. 14, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@Echinanews

Published 14 May 2023

"What the international community needs most is peaceful development, fairness and justice, and progress rather than retrogression. The Cold War is a tragedy for mankind.”

On Friday, Qin Gang, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, presented three fundamental principles aimed at preserving the stable development of China-European relations amidst the current backdrop of interlaced and tumultuous international circumstances.


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"China and Europe are two globally influential powers, two vast markets, and two great civilizations. I deeply felt, through the visit, a strong willingness of the European side to enhance communication, coordination, and to promote mutually beneficial cooperation with China," Qin said during a press conference with his counterpart Anniken Huitfeldt, in relations to questions about the methods of sustaining the development of China-Europe relations. 

According to Qin, China and Europe ought to demonstrate respect and extend assistance towards the different trajectories of development chosen by individual countries and their people, and strive in unison to address the overarching apprehensions of the global community.

Qin, also, formally expressed the necessity of adopting a forward-looking outlook on historical events, stating “What the international community needs most is peaceful development, fairness and justice, and progress rather than retrogression. The Cold War is a tragedy for mankind.”

The speaker cautioned about the potential onset of the "new Cold War," emphasizing the detrimental consequences it would entail for the wellbeing of the Chinese and European people, as well as the global community.

According to Qin, it is imperative for China and Europe to collaborate in their efforts to prevent the emergence of a "new Cold War", saying that both nations must take the initiative in promoting effective coordination and fostering positive interaction among major global powers.

Qin also advocated for the preservation of a centered viewpoint on interdependent and equitable collaboration. According to Qin, China serves as Europe's ally in managing potential hazards and is renowned for offering certainty rather than risk through its exports to Europe and the world.

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