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News > France

Week 16: Yellow Vests Accuse Macron of Manipulating Airwaves

  • The movement is trending draw tens of thousands of people as demonstrations continue in week 16.

    The movement is trending draw tens of thousands of people as demonstrations continue in week 16. | Photo: Reuters file

Published 2 March 2019

The Yellow Vests, meanwhile, have accused Macron of using televised public meetings to "increase his popularity and serve the interests" of his political party.

Despite being suppressed by law enforcement, France’s Yellow Vests will continue demonstrations for a 16 consecutive week to oppose President Emmanuel Macron’s austerity measures.

France: Arrests, Tear Gas and Water Cannons Deployed on Week 15 of Yellow Vest Protests

The movement’s groups, which will spread across major cities in Fance, is trending draw tens of thousands of people. At least two groups - "Yellow Vests Acte 16: Insurrection" and "Act 16: Yellow Vests united: We will not give up" - have called on members to meet at the Arc de Triomphe and "occupy for as long as possible." 

Meanwhile organizers of "Act 16: Europe in Lille" have invited Yellow Vests from neighboring regions - Belgium, England, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and northern Germany - to join their protests.

Ahead of the weekly anticipated marches, members of the movement and left-leaning party officials accuse the president of monopolizing French airwaves with a “one-man show.” According to RFI, the political party has even filed an official complaint with a media watchdog group.

"Is it normal that in a modern democracy, a leader uses television to justify his politics?"

The Yellow Vests, meanwhile, have accused Macron of using recent televised public meetings to "increase his popularity and serve the interests" of his party.

Seine-Saint-Denis deputy, Eric Coquerel, expressed disgust about the French leader’s television appearances, saying "three times a week, we have hours and hours of Emmanuel Macron on French television."

Last Saturday, about 46,000 protesters - 5,000 more than the previous week - flooded the streets of France. 

The Yellow Vests demonstrations started three months ago when citizens rallied for the rejection of fuel price increases.

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