A day after a failed coup attempt against Venezuela’s legitimate elected government, Anya Parampil, a journalist from the United States said in an interview with Fox News that the U.S. President Donald Trump should fire John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and Elliot Abrams for pushing him down a disastrous path regarding Venezuela.
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“President Trump, if he truly cared about the Venezuelan people and the American people for that matter, he would end this disastrous policy, he would end these sanctions and he would look into John Bolton’s eyes and Elliot Abrams eyes, and Mike Pompeo’s eyes and say ‘You are fired, you are leading me down in a disastrous path,’” Parampil said.
The interview with the right-wing Fox News’ anchor Tucker Carlson took place a day after Juan Guaido, the opposition lawmaker who illegally proclaimed himself "interim president" of Venezuela, issued a call on social media Tuesday morning asking the military and people to begin an uprising against the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Venezuela’s Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino described the situation as "an attempted coup d'état of very small proportion" on part of Guaido and his far-right allies where they "tricked a group of (military) men (into) hijacking national guard vehicles of our national guard to commit a terrorist act."
When asked about the coup in Venezuela, Parampil’s slammed the right-wing media.
“Fake news media are lying about the situation in Venezuela. Let me put it for you this way. Imagine if Hilary Clinton had refused to admit defeat after losing to President Trump in 2016 and banded together with a group of 24 U.S. soldiers and attempted to take the White House by force," she said.
"I don’t think she will be freely walking on the streets the way Juan Guaido is walking right now in Caracas and I certainly think the news media would be calling it rightfully a coup,” added the journalist.
“And let me just tell you, when it comes to what is happening on the ground… the opposition has no popular support, Juan Guaido, once again, proved today that he will only ride into power on the back of a U.S. tank.”
Guaido, was nearly unknown within the country when he proclaimed himself interim president back in January. Despite strong backing from U.S. war hawks, he continues to fail to take the reigns.
Parampil also explained the “humanitarian crisis” in Venezuela that right-wing media quote all the time “is the intended result of U.S. sanctions which have targeted Venezuela since 2015, sanctions which according to a report that was released just last week by the Center for Economic and Policy Research has led to the deaths of 40,000 Venezuelans and will lead to the deaths of thousands more if these sanctions are not overturned.”
The Fox show was conducted by Tucker Carlson a right-wing pro-Tump journalist who was accused of racism and misogyny in March due to his comments on a radio show a few years ago.