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News > Venezuela

Venezuela: Dialogue Continues Between Government and Opposition

  • On Sunday, the penultimate day of direct meetings was held in an environment of strict discretion, as had been agreed prior to the beginning of the dialogues.

    On Sunday, the penultimate day of direct meetings was held in an environment of strict discretion, as had been agreed prior to the beginning of the dialogues. | Photo: Twitter/@ErikaPSUVn_

Published 6 September 2021

Monday is the fourth day of negotiations between the delegations with the mediation of Norway.

The Government of Venezuela and the Venezuelan opposition began this Monday the fourth day of deliberations in Mexico in order to reach agreements on political matters and on the lifting of trade and financial coercive measures imposed by the United States.

The talks take place after the signing of the memorandum of understanding between both parties to reach a series of agreements that lead to the holding of elections and the lifting of economic sanctions against the country, among other points signed on August 13, under the mediation of Norway, with the accompaniment of the Netherlands and Russia.


Venezuelan Dialogues Advance by Seeking Partial Agreements

The delegation of the Government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is headed by the plenipotentiary envoy Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly.

On Sunday, the penultimate day of direct meetings was held in an environment of strict discretion, as had been agreed before the beginning of the dialogues.

On Saturday, the Norwegian government released the official photo of the plenary meeting of the delegations; Mexico, through its Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, expressed its satisfaction for the meeting of the parties and wished them much success in their negotiations.

"Delegation of the Government of #Venezuela is present in the third round of dialogue with the oppositions, which is taking place in #Mexico and has the support of #Norway."

After the meeting, the spokespersons are expected to make international and national press statements this afternoon.

In this round of dialogues, the Venezuelan Government presented a concrete request to the opposition focused on the release of Venezuelan assets blocked abroad and the cessation of unilateral coercive measures imposed at the request of the United States.

Also on the negotiating table, at the request of the Venezuelan Government, is a statement on the legitimate rights of Essequibo Guyana.

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