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News > Venezuela

Venezuela Denounces Acts of Sabotage at Thermoelectric Plant

  • The electric service in the peninsula of Paraguaná, Falcón state, was fully reestablished after an attack on the Josefa Camejo Thermoelectric Plant. Sept, 10, 2022.

    The electric service in the peninsula of Paraguaná, Falcón state, was fully reestablished after an attack on the Josefa Camejo Thermoelectric Plant. Sept, 10, 2022. | Photo: Twitter: @NestrorReverol

Published 10 September 2022

The electric service in the peninsula of Paraguaná, Falcón state, was fully reestablished after an attack on the Josefa Camejo Thermoelectric Plant.

The Minister for Electric Energy, Nestor Reverol, informed that in the early hours of Saturday morning, two individuals committed acts of sabotage at the Josefa Camejo Thermoelectric Plant, located in Punto Fijo, Falcón state, northwest Venezuela.


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Reverol detailed in declarations to a local television station that two people were arrested and that they are with burns and with a reserved diagnosis.

In this regard, he detailed that, in order to solve the situation, work was carried out by the Fire Department, Security agencies and workers of the National Electric System (SEN).

The workforce of@corpoelecinfo demonstrates once again its unwavering will to serve the people by restoring electricity service in the Paraguaná Peninsula in the state of Falcón, after the criminal attack on the Josefa Camejo Thermoelectric Plant.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, the governor of the state of Falcón, Victor Clark, reported on the attack.

Through his account on the social network Instagram, Clark said that in the plant "individuals who attacked the high power line and auxiliary services system have been found in flagrante delicto, who are injured with serious burns due to the strong explosion they caused".

He added that the situation caused damage to three turbines of the plant, leaving the region without electric service.

The situation has already been controlled thanks to the joint work, and we will continue working on the restitution of the electric service under the coordination of the Minister for Electric Energy.

In this sense, Reverol pointed out that this same Saturday, the electric service in the peninsula of Paraguaná, Falcón state, was fully reestablished after an attack on the Josefa Camejo Thermoelectric Plant.

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