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Venezuela: CNE Approves Questions for Referendum on Essequibo

  • On October 21, the documents for the activation of the referendum were formally delivered to the CNE authorities. Oct. 23, 2023.

    On October 21, the documents for the activation of the referendum were formally delivered to the CNE authorities. Oct. 23, 2023. | Photo: X/@FMCenterNoticia

Published 23 October 2023

The president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso announced the questions to be included in the referendum that seeks to hear the will of the people.

The National Electoral Council (CNE) unanimously approved on Monday the five questions for the consultative referendum on Venezuela's sovereignty over Essequiba Guyana.


Maduro Calls on Venezuelans to Vote in Referendum on Essequibo

The first two questions are of a legal nature and define the legal status of the area under claim. The third is about Venezuela's position before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). 

The fourth question has to do with the illegal extraction of oil from the Atlantic Sea and the last, and fifth, is about the creation of the state of Guyana.

This comes after the Venezuelan Parliament presented last Friday an initiative before the CNE that fixed December 3 as the date to hold the citizens' consultation.

The tweet reads, "We greet with great satisfaction the authorities of the National Electoral Council for the approval of the five questions that will be asked to Venezuelans in the Consultative Referendum in defense of Essequibo Guyana. Let's defend the Essequibo Territory! On December 3, everyone vote 5TimesYes!"

The president of the organization, Elvis Amoroso announced the questions to be included in the referendum that seeks to listen to the will of the people:

1. Do you agree to reject, by all means, in accordance with the law, the line fraudulently imposed by the Paris Arbitral Award of 1899, which seeks to dispossess us of our Guyana Essequibo?

2. Do you support the Geneva Agreement of 1966 as the only valid legal instrument to reach a practical and satisfactory solution for Venezuela and Guyana, in relation to the dispute over the territory of the Guyana Essequibo?

3. Do you agree with Venezuela's historical position of not recognizing the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice to resolve the territorial dispute over the Essequibo Guiana?

4. Do you agree to oppose, by all means, in accordance with the law, Guyana's pretension to unilaterally dispose of a sea pending delimitation, in an illegal manner and in violation of international law?

5. Do you agree with the creation of the state of Guyana Essequibo and the development of an accelerated plan for the integral attention of the current and future population of that territory, which includes, among others, the granting of Venezuelan citizenship and identity cards, in accordance with the Geneva Agreement and International Law, consequently incorporating said state in the map of the Venezuelan territory?

According to the president of the CNE in declarations to the press, Venezuelans will decide whether they agree "with the creation of the state of Guyana Essequibo" and that "an accelerated plan be developed for the integral attention of the current and future population of that territory which includes, among others, the granting of Venezuelan citizenship and Venezuelan identity cards".

This proposal, he said, would be materialized "according to the Geneva Agreement" of 1966, the only instrument that Venezuela considers as valid in this controversy. He pointed out that if approved, it would mean the incorporation "of said state on the map of Venezuelan territory."

On September 21, the National Assembly (NA), in plenary session, unanimously approved the call for the consultative referendum. On October 21, the documents for the activation of the referendum were formally delivered to the CNE authorities.


Elvis Amoroso
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