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News > Uruguay

Uruguay: Students March To Commemorate Student Martyrs’ Day

  • Students marching in Uruguay during Student Martyrs’ Day. Aug. 15, 2023.

    Students marching in Uruguay during Student Martyrs’ Day. Aug. 15, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@teleSURtv

Published 15 August 2023

"...students of secondary education and of the University of the Republic (Udelar) mobilized from the university headquarters to the Legislative Palace..."

On Monday, 55 years after the murder of Líber Arce by the Uruguayan police and to commemorate the day of the Student Martyrs, Uruguayan students and unions demanded memory and justice so that such acts do not exist again and mobilized in a day for their rights.

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The students of secondary education and of the University of the Republic (Udelar) mobilized from the university headquarters to the Legislative Palace, with a historical vindication of the student struggles, and also demanding budgets and improvements in the conditions of the educational centers.

From the student union of the Alfredo Vásquez Acevedo Institute (Iava), with slogans such as "From the blood of our martyrs will sprout the wings of the Revolution", they declared that "another August 14 it is our turn to remember our comrades murdered for fighting, it is our turn to remember as a form of struggle and resilience".

Today in Uruguay marks the Day of the Student Martyrs, 55 years after the murder of Liber Arce. The @asceepfeuu calls for a mobilization from the University of the Republic. @ConexiontlSUR

With a symbolic representation, the students invited the educational community to make a pilgrimage to the alley of Udelar to remember this date.

"It is a tradition that over the years has been forgotten, but this year we want to resume, we invite the educational community to bring this August 14 any red flower, even if it is paper, as a symbol of memory and resistance," said the collective.

Today we share our student martyrs as a way to keep alive the claim for memory and justice.

They also added that the real name of the "alley of Udelar" is "the road of carnations" because since the murder of Líber Arce, "every year, relatives, friends and students filled this alley with red carnations every August 14 in memory of our comrades murdered in struggle".

For its part, the Association of Teachers of the University of the Republic (Adur), who also participated in the mobilization from its Twitter account shared the call to accompany the student march from the university esplanade to "50 years of the General Strike where "we continue to fight for the education of the people".

Líber Arce was a student of Architecture and the School of Dental Prosthesis, who was a militant in the Union of Communist Youth, and is considered the first student martyr of that South American country.

He died on August 14, 1968 as a result of bullet wounds he received two days earlier in the femoral artery, by the police, while he was about to participate in a mobilization in favor of the students' demands.


Líber Arce
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