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News > Latin America

Uruguay: Governing Broad Front Leads Polls Ahead of Presidental Election

  • President Tabare Vazquez of the Broad Front holds Uruguayan flag.

    President Tabare Vazquez of the Broad Front holds Uruguayan flag. | Photo: EFE

Published 25 May 2018

The South American country will elect a new president and legislators in October 209. 

The Broad Front, Uruguay's governing left-wing coalition, has taken an early but narrow lead ahead of the country's general elections, which are scheduled are scheduled for October 2019. In a poll published by Equipos Thursday, the coalition captured 31 percent of the support of likely voters.

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The National Party, the  Broad Front's main legislative opposition, was second in the poll with 28 percent with the Colorado Party third on eight percent. Six percent of citizens divided their support among other opposition parties while 22 percent citizens stated they were undecided. 

According to Equipos “the structure of preferences remains stable, with two parties fighting for the first place (the Broad Front and the National Party) at around 30 percent.”

The percentage of undecided voters shows that “the public’s power to decide is not mature yet,” the polling company explained. Uruguayans have over a year to head to the polls.

“Although in politics a year and a half is a lot of time, the remaining parties start at a position from which they will need to grow in a powerful way if they want to have a chance in the elections," the polling agency added. 

The surveys were conducted between April and May and included 681 potential voters in 170 points of urban zones with over 5,000 inhabitants.

The question was “As you know, in the year 2019 there will be national elections to elect a president and legislators. If the elections were today, have you decided who you will vote for?”

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