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News > U.S.

US Attempts to Limit China's Operations in the Stock Market

  • Observers agree that these acts are part of Trump's end-of-term offensive to increase pressure on China and prevent his successor, Joe Biden, from purging the bilateral ties of confrontation.

    Observers agree that these acts are part of Trump's end-of-term offensive to increase pressure on China and prevent his successor, Joe Biden, from purging the bilateral ties of confrontation. | Photo: Prensa Latina

Published 11 December 2020

Analysts in China today denounced the United States' intention to limit the country's operations in the U.S. stock market, with a decree that led to eliminating 21 domestic firms from the S&P Dow Jones index.

According to the analysts, the move is part of the economic decoupling promoted by the Donald Trump administration. It aims to restrict foreign capital flow to the Asian giant's financial services, such as the insurance industry.


China to Take Firm Countermeasures Against New US Sanctions

Observers also foresee an eventual blockade of Chinese corporations in  U.S.stock exchanges, which would push them to look for other alternatives and to value their incorporation into the national markets of Hong Kong, Europe, and Southeast Asia.

The day before, S&P Dow Jones announced the exit of 21 Chinese companies from all its stock indexes as of December 21 and the elimination of assets issued by another 18 in the fixed income indexes as of January 1.

In this way, it followed in the footsteps of its industry counterpart FTSE Russell, which withdrew the shares of eight of these entities from its analyses after the White House blacklisted them for their alleged links with China's military sector.

This is a new blow to the financial markets since it prevents US investors from buying Chinese firms' securities.

One of the affected corporations, Hikvision, expressed its opposition to the measure, considered it to be without foundation, and assured that it does not maintain links with any military institutions.

Meanwhile, Beijing authorities denounced Washington's politicization of economic and commercial affairs, its abuse of power, and its use of national security as a pretext to harass foreign businesses.

Observers agree that such acts are part of Trump's end-of-term offensive to increase pressure on China and prevent his successor, Joe Biden, from purging the nation's bilateral ties of confrontation.


Donald Trump
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