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US Approach to Middle East Is Destructive, Against International Law: Russia

  • U.S. President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands after Trump's address at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem May 23, 2017.

    U.S. President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands after Trump's address at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem May 23, 2017. | Photo: Reuters

Published 29 July 2019

According to Russia, a possible settlement for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been taken hostage by the unilateral approaches of the U.S.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced Monday the United States’ position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as destructive and contrary to the approaches of the majority of the members of the international community.

US Blocks UN Condemnation of Israeli Destruction of Palestinian Homes

"The destructive position of the U.S. once again demonstrates the line aimed at breaking the internationally recognized legal framework for Middle East agreements," a statement released read.

This comes as, on July 24, U.S. representatives to the United Nations blocked an attempt by Kuwait, Indonesia, and South Africa to get the Security Council to condemn Israel’s destruction of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, despite fierce objection from the international community.

According to the Russian ministry, a possible settlement for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been taken hostage by the unilateral approaches of the North Americans. As the U.S. continues its argument that the U.N. has anti-Israel" bias, in a tactic to shield Israel’s human right’s and international law violations. 

While the Russians also noted that “unilateral actions practiced by the U.S. while ignoring international law will not bring results,” referring mostly to sanctions that are aimed at Venezuela, Iran, among other nations that do not follow U.S. policy blindingly. 

On this matter, Russia Permanent Representative of Russia to International Organisations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, informed on the meeting of the remaining signatories, except the U.S., to Iran’s nuclear deal, who met in Austria’s capital on Sunday. 

“Three major results of the meeting: a decision to continue work on sanctions-lifting, reaffirmation of collective responsibility for nuclear projects in Arak (led by China and the United Kingdom) and Fordow (led by Russia); a Ministerial meeting will be convened in the near future,” Ulyanov tweeted

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