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News > Latin America

Trumps Says 'People of Interest' on Pompeo-Rebuffed Caravan

  • Honduran migrants are among a second wave of migrants heading to the United States.

    Honduran migrants are among a second wave of migrants heading to the United States. | Photo: Reuters FILE

Published 24 October 2018

U.S. Secretary of State warns migrant caravan: "You will not be successful in getting into the United States illegally, no matter what."

On Tuesday, United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo warned hopeful Latin American migrants on a caravan headed to the United States that they will not be allowed into the country.

More Migrant Caravans To Leave Honduras, El Salvador: Source

"You will not be successful in getting into the United States illegally, no matter what," Pompeo said. The secretary's declaration comes after U.S. President Donald Trump stated, in all but certain terms, that he holds, “very good information” on the existence of “people from the Middle East” in the caravan. The president later amended his remarks, saying “there’s no proof of anything, but there very well could be.”

To corroborate Trump’s claims, a senior administration’s official claimed, extemporaneously, “I think last year the Border Patrol encountered, embedded in these flows, something on the verge of over 3,000 special interest aliens from countries like Bangladesh and Somalia” and “You can also just look at what we have already seen as evidence of what’s already going on.”

The pattern of unsubstantiated and inconclusive information is a component of a strategy to deter migrants from countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras from crossing the United States border; in the same way that Mexican migrants are being treated: turn them back home directly.

Another part of the U.S. strategy is to threaten to militarize the border with Mexico so as to use national defence to prevent migrants from forming part of the caravan to enter United States territory.

Lastly, the administration has also threatened Honduras about cutting off aid to the Central American country if the government did not implement measures to stop the caravan.

Currently, there is a second wave of migrants on a caravan leaving Honduras and headed for the United States.

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