Prime Minister Theresa May is willing to talk with the Labour opposition as part of yet another Brexit delay.
May is currently seeking another delay past April 12, while scrambling to reach a final deal over the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. It has been three years since the referendum was held, but so far a deal does not seem close.
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Her move towards Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party, however, has outraged members of her own Conservative Party. Some fear there could be a significant split within their own rows over the move.
“I am offering to sit down with the leader of the opposition and to try to agree on a plan that we would both stick to, to ensure that we leave the European Union and that we do so with a deal,” she said.
“We will need a further extension of Article 50 (divorce notification), one that is as short as possible and which ends when we pass a deal. We need to be clear what such an extension is for, to ensure we leave in a timely and orderly way.”
Corbyn himself announced he would be "very happy"to sit down for talks, but also expressed his opinion on the importance over remaining in the customs union with the EU, access for Britain to its single market and highlighting workers rights protections.
Germany and France, on the other hand, have grown impatient and are expecting more clarity from London, and are warning of a disorderly Brexit, should London not come to any conclusions.