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News > Venezuela

Supporters Around the World Rally, Crying 'Hands Off Venezuela'

  • U.S. demonstrators stand outside Washington on Saturday, March 16, 2019.

    U.S. demonstrators stand outside Washington on Saturday, March 16, 2019. | Photo: teleSUR

Published 16 March 2019

Demonstrations erupted from Vancouver to Malabo and Washington to Johannesburg in support of Venezuela's soverienty.

From Argentina to South Africa, Malaysia to Peru, New Zealand to Canada and the U.S., supporters of the Bolivarian revolution marched together as part of the World in Solidarity with Venezuela Day this weekend.


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The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) was concentrated in front of the US consulate in Johannesburg with the slogan "Hands off Venezuela," "Hands out of Venezuela."

From Vancouver, in Canada, the mobilization against war and occupation (MAWO) marched in defense of the peace of the South American country.

For their part, participants in the U.S. or the "Forum of the peoples" gathered outside the White House, in Washington, to denounce the interventionist efforts of the Donald Trump Administration against Venezuela and the Bolivarian Government.

Peoples from around the world called for peace and a policy of non-interference in Venezuela. In Africa, Equatorial Guinea joined this call from its capital, Malabo. Miles away in New Zealand, the district directors of Hands out of Venezuela orchestrated a demonstration in Aotea square.

#LosPueblosConVenezuela| In #Johannesburg, #SouthAfrica Many stood outside the #US embassy, defending the sovereignty of #Venezuela. The demonstration, convened by several leftist organizations, demanding #HandsOffVenezuela!

In Argentina a movement is planned at the Obelisco, historical monument of the city of Buenos Aires. While in Mexico, the regional branch Solidarity with Venezuela organization will meet outside the U.S. embassy.

The current U.S. government began a soft coup against Maduro shortly after entering office by placing a slew of sanctions against the Venezuelan government and individuals. As the list grew and intensified, the U.S. administration sent in Guaido in late January to take over the democratically elected Venezuelan government. Most recently the White House supported, if not masterminded, the cyber attack on the South American country that caused a nationwide blackout in an effort to overthrow Maduro.

The U.S. president and his cabinet have also sanctioned businesses and even other governments for doing business with Venezuela.

The Answer Coalition  and the other activists state that “the aggressive policy against Venezuela repeats the ugly pattern of wars for regime change in the oil-rich countries of Iraq and Libya,” adding “Trump has always said that the ‘mistake’ of the Middle East wars was that the U.S. didn’t ‘take the oil,’ ” reads the joint communique.

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