The ANC said they would send a “Tripartite Alliance delegation led by the Secretary-General" to "Venezuela on a fact-finding mission.”
The National Working Committee (NWC) of the African National Congress (ANC) expressed their solidarity with the Venezuela people and discussed internal matters in a meeting Monday.
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In a statement released Tuesday, the ANC and its Alliance partners “affirmed their solidarity with the people of Venezuela in finding a political solution to the benefit of all the people of Venezuela.”
The group said that the Secretary-General would soon lead a Tripartite Alliance delegation to Venezuela on a fact-finding mission.
In the meeting, the NWC also celebrated South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s election as the African Union Chairperson for 2020 and welcomed the Rapid Response Team’s interventions in the North-West region of South Africa.
— #GrowSouthAfrica (@MYANC) February 26, 2019
However, the group noted serious rape allegations which leveled against members Cde Pule Mabe and Cde Zizi Kodwa, who have voluntarily elected to stand down as spokespersons until the allegations have been tested, but will remain members of the National Executive Committee (NEC).
“Gender-based violence is an endemic problem in our society which should not be reduced to individual leaders,” the statement said. “The ANC is committed to fighting gender-based violence wherever it occurs and takes allegations against any person with the seriousness it deserves.”
The ANC Women's League (ANCWL) secretary general Meokgo Matuba said the ANC must work with South African Police Services to find out if there is any case reported against Kodwa and consider suspending him from all ANC duties with immediate effect pending the outcome of the case.
"Whilst we take into account the principles of innocent until proven guilty, the ANCWL is resolute in supporting the victims of sexual harassment and rape, and we wish to reiterate this position," Matuba said.
South Africa’s sixth general election since the end of apartheid in 1994 will take place May 8. The country will elect a new National Assembly and new provincial legislatures in each province as well as the next president.
“We are encouraged that South African remain confident that the ANC is the only party that has the capacity to grow South Africa and realize the vision of a better life for all,” the group said.