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News > Saudi Arabia

Saudi Prince Investigated in France for Alleged Modern Slavery

  • Modern slavery is everywhere, from the kafala system in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates; from cattle ranches in Paraguay to fisheries in Thailand and the Philippines to agriculture in Italy.

    Modern slavery is everywhere, from the kafala system in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates; from cattle ranches in Paraguay to fisheries in Thailand and the Philippines to agriculture in Italy. | Photo: Twitter @ipsnews

Published 6 July 2021

The alleged victims reportedly managed to flee a brutal schedule of 24 hours, seven days a week, earning just 300 euros per month, while the prince and his family were on a trip to Paris, where they took the alleged slaves.

According to a report published by the Daily Mail on Sunday, French authorities are reviewing allegations that an unnamed Saudi prince kept seven employees in modern-day slavery at a property he owns near Paris, France.


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The report, which cites the prosecutor's office in Nanterre, shows that the investigation into human trafficking was launched after the alleged victims  — women aged 38 to 51, mostly Filipino, submitted accusations of modern slavery in October 2019.

According to the article, the prince and his family are said to travel to France during the summer months regularly, and they are known to bring their servants with them. The alleged slavery took place in a residence in a Paris neighborhood in 2008, 2013, and 2015.

Some of the staff were reportedly forced to sleep on the floor and had little time to eat while serving the prince's four children. The women claim that they have been exposed to different sorts of humiliation and harassment over the years, including orders to cater to the employer's requirements "all day and night all week long, with no breaks."

The women were allegedly "starved," forced to eat leftovers and leave as soon as their employers summoned them.

Prosecutors reportedly interviewed the victims about a week ago, but the prince has yet to be questioned because he is not currently in France. To date, it is unclear whether the prince has diplomatic immunity, in which case authorities would not likely be able to arrest him or file charges.

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