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Russia Warns Israel Over Providing Military Aid to Ukraine

  • Israel has said it will provide military support to Ukraine. Apr. 22, 2022.

    Israel has said it will provide military support to Ukraine. Apr. 22, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@a_anusauskas

Published 22 April 2022

Moscow warned Israel that it would respond if it offered military aid to Ukraine to support Kiev in waging war against Russia.

Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov condemned the decision of the Israeli regime to send military equipment to Ukraine amid the special military operation launched by Russia on February 24. "We are carefully reviewing this information and will respond, accordingly, if it is confirmed," Viktorov said.   

President Putin and EC President Discuss Ukraine Over Phone 

In a telephone conversation, Israeli media reported on Wednesday that Israel's Minister of Military Affairs, Benny Gantz, told his Ukrainian counterpart, Alki Ruznikov, of Israel's decision to send military equipment to Ukraine. 

According to the Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronoth, an expert unit offering military training led by Israel is currently active on Ukrainian territory to train soldiers and nationalist forces of the European country in their fight against the Russian Army.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has accused Russia of committing war crimes in Ukraine, claiming that there was no justification for Russia's military operation in Ukrainian territory. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that Russia's move was aimed at demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine, which was increasing shelling on the Donbass region. Russia has said that the operation only targets Ukrainian military infrastructure, so it poses no threat to the civilian population. 

Moscow last week blamed Israel for supporting the West's anti-Russian campaign, claiming that it has used the ongoing conflict in Ukraine to distract the international community's attention from one of the oldest unresolved conflicts, the Israeli-Palestinian issue. 

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