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Puerto Rico To Vaccinate Only Senior Citizens This Month

  • A woman receives the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan. 22, 2021.

    A woman receives the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan. 22, 2021. | Photo: EFE

Published 1 February 2021

This Caribbean island had reported 87,440 COVID-19 cases and 1,836 deaths so far.

Puerto Rico's Health Department Secretary Carlos Mellado announced that only people over 65 will receive the COVID-19 vaccine in February.


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For this reason, the vaccination process for health workers who work in the first line of risk was temporarily suspended.

"We are going to ensure that the vaccines get to where they really need to go accordingly... Our seniors are our priority. They represent the most vulnerable population and our duty is to guarantee them the vaccine," Mellado said.

"We will be vigilant so that the new administrative order is not violated under any circumstances," he stressed and explained that the vaccination of health workers will resume when the vaccination of the elderly is concluded.

Besides asking citizens to respect the turn to get the vaccine, Mellado indicated that all requests for vaccination should be addressed to the Health Department.

This appeal came as local media reported that some workers of the State Elections Commission were already being vaccinated. This vaccination process, however, was never authorized and was immediately stopped. 

As of Monday morning, Puerto Rico had reported 87,440 COVID-19 cases and 1,836 deaths. This Caribbean island is currently home to 3.2 million people.

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