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News > Latin America

Poll: Brazilians Confident Lula Could Save Economy

  • Former President of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, when he was still acting president.

    Former President of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, when he was still acting president. | Photo: Reuters

Published 22 June 2018

Polls consistently show that should former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva be permitted to run, he would win the upcoming presidential elections.

A new poll by Datafolha has revealed that Brazilians have the highest confidence in former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to save the economy out of all the candidates.

Brazil: Uruguay Ex-President Mujica Says Lula 'In Good Spirits'

The poll asked Brazilians 'Who would be able to save the economy?' and 32 percent responded 'Lula.'

The second-highest response rate went to far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro, who 15 percent of respondents believed could save the economy. Bolsonaro is known for praising Brazil's military dictatorships.

Eight percent expressed support for former Senator Marina Silva, and seven percent Geraldo Alckmin.

Despite having been imprisoned for supposed corruption – charges Lula and many of his supporters claim are a form of 'lawfare' designed to keep him out of the presidential election – the gruff-voiced Workers' Party (PT) founder still enjoys the highest support of any politician in Brazil.

Polls consistently show that should Lula be permitted to run, he would win upcoming presidential elections.

Former Uruguayan President Jose Mujica visited Lula in the detention center earlier this week and said despite his imprisonment, Lula remains in "good spirits."

"Under Lula, Brazil behaved like an older brother," Mujica said. "There is a slogan there that says 'Lula Libre' (Free Lula); really, the mind can never be imprisoned. They can imprison your body, but not your heart, your mind.

"For whatever purpose, your mind is your heart, to go on beating for the control of Brazil... For this reason, Lula is free."

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