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News > Peru

Peru's President Announces Political and Electoral Reforms

  • President Vizcarra meets with the heads of the judicial and legislative powers.

    President Vizcarra meets with the heads of the judicial and legislative powers. | Photo: @Agencia_Andina

Published 13 December 2018

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra announced new reforms after a successful referendum of judicial reforms to curb corruption.

Peru’s President Martin Vizcarra announced a political and electoral reform Wednesday after Sunday’s successful referendum for a judicial reform that seeks to curb systemic corruption.

Peru: Voters Approve Anti-Corruption Reforms, High Voter Turnout

In a televised address to the nation, Vizcarra said he will create a high-level commission for political and electoral reform that would eliminate parliamentary immunity and preferential voting and force parties to hold internal primaries.

Parliamentary immunity is being widely questioned because it benefits legislators, shielding them from prosecution.

Preferential voting allows voters to choose one or two candidates to Congress and the Andean Parliament from the party’s list regardless of the position in the list of each candidate. Some supporters of this form of voting argue it is more deMocratic but critics say it promotes unhealthy competitions among legislators of the same party.

During the address Vizcarra also celebrated Sunday’s victory, saying that the creation of a new body for the selection for of judges and prosecutors, the ban on reelection for legislators, and the control of party finances was great progress.

"But this is not enough to recover the full legitimacy of our institutions, we have to take the next step," the president said, explaining the commission will be composed of "remarkable and honest leaders eager to work in a disinterested way for our country."

The president concluded that Peruvians "voted for change and progress, and against corruption and impunity" and said it was imperative "to listen to the public and interpret this message with humility and rationality."

On Thursday Vizcarra met with Daniel Salaverry, president of Peru's Congress, Ernesto Blume, president of the Constitutional Court, and other government members to discuss the reforms.

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