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PLO Welcomes Arab League’s Financial Aid to Palestine

  • Arab leaders' decision to help Palestine financially was welcomed by the Palestine Liberation Organization.

    Arab leaders' decision to help Palestine financially was welcomed by the Palestine Liberation Organization. | Photo: Reuters

Published 1 April 2019

The Palestine Liberation Organization welcomed financial aid from Arab countries for Palestinians, as decided in Sunday's annual Arab League summit.

On Monday, the Palestine Liberation Organization welcomed the support from the Arab League for Palestine, especially financial support.


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Arab leaders, during their annual Arab League Summit Sunday in Tunisia, reiterated their political and financial support for Palestine.

“The Palestinian leadership welcomes the Arab League's activation of the financial safety net to help Palestine overcome the debilitating financial strains caused by Israel's illegal piracy of Palestinian tax revenues,” Hanan Ashrawi, the PLO Executive Committee Member said in a statement.

Arab leaders present at the summit Sunday said Middle East stability depended on creating a Palestinian state.

“We also welcome the reaffirmed Arab League's rejection of Israel's illegal actions, especially in relation to the illegal settlement regime. We also highly value the unanimous Arab position rejecting the illegal policies of the Trump Administration regarding occupied Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan Heights,” Ashrawi added while commenting on the decision of United States President Donald Trump’s declaration of occupied Golan Heights as the territory of Israel which it annexed in 1987.

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also said any resolution to the Syrian conflict must guarantee the territorial integrity of Syria "including the occupied Golan Heights."

“The rightwing Israeli government has been enabled to escalate its grave violations of international law by the brazen complicity of the US administration, which has taken unprecedented steps to support and legitimize Israel's illegal colonial occupation and annexation of Palestinian and Syrian land,” the PLO member said.

She also criticized policies of the U.S. which encourage the “Israeli political establishment, which is overrun by rightwing, racist, and hostile actors” to abuse Palestinians and their rights.

Ashrawi concluded, “We reiterate that peace cannot be divorced from respect for the law and the realization of justice, both of which require active accountability. This principle must remain universal, and the international community has the responsibility of confronting international actors attempting to undermine these fundamental foundations of the international order.”

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