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Northern Mali: Tensions May Impede UN Mission Withdrawal

  • The UN underlined that all parties have the obligation to refrain from any action or statement that could jeopardize the safe and timely withdrawal of MINUSMA. Oct. 16, 2023.

    The UN underlined that all parties have the obligation to refrain from any action or statement that could jeopardize the safe and timely withdrawal of MINUSMA. Oct. 16, 2023. | Photo: X/@fabsenbln

Published 16 October 2023

The United Nations reaffirms its determination to complete the withdrawal of MINUSMA by Dec. 31, 2023, as set by the Security Council.

On Saturday, the press office of UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that the United Nations is gravely concerned about heightened tensions and the increasing armed presence in northern Mali, which are likely to impede the withdrawal of the UN peacekeeping mission in the country.

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According to the office, this situation also jeopardizes the air operations conducted by the UN peacekeeping mission, known as MINUSMA, to protect its drawdown and enable its withdrawal.

The United Nations reaffirms its determination to complete the withdrawal of MINUSMA by Dec. 31, 2023, as set by the Security Council, following the request by Mali for the withdrawal of the mission, it said.

The world body also noted with deep concern that since Sept. 24, its logistics convoys have not been allowed to move from Gao to retrieve equipment belonging to the United Nations and troop-contributing countries (TCCs) currently in Aguelhok, Tessalit, and Kidal. This could adversely impact the mission's ability to adhere to the stipulated timeline, it said.

According to official data, heightened tensions in northern Mali increase the likelihood of the mission being forced to depart without being able to retrieve equipment belonging to TCCs or the United Nations. This would prevent the United Nations from supporting other UN peace operations that need the equipment, said the office.

Furthermore, the United Nations underlined that all parties have the obligation to refrain from any action or statement that could jeopardize the safe and timely withdrawal of MINUSMA.

Moreover, the United Nations recalled the Security Council resolution 2690 that calls on the transition government of Mali to cooperate fully with the United Nations during MINUSMA's drawdown, withdrawal and liquidation, to ensure the orderly and safe withdrawal of the mission. It requests the transition government of Mali to fully respect all provisions of the Status of Forces Agreement until the departure of the final element of MINUSMA from Mali, the UN press office said.

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