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News > Venezuela

Nicolas Maduro Activates New System of Government in Venezuela

  • The head of state indicated that Venezuela is moving forward to become a leader in responding to people's needs

    The head of state indicated that Venezuela is moving forward to become a leader in responding to people's needs | Photo: Prensa Presidencial

Published 20 May 2022

The President also announced six strategic lines of action for the benefit of the Venezuelan people.

According to the head of state, the tools and strategies of the technological platform of the 1×10 Government method to provide solutions to the population are comprehensively structured.

"Now we are going for more, now it is up to all of us and what is coming now is bigger, but to achieve it we need new working methods (...) We have been meticulously preparing the 1x10 of Good Governance, the Map of Solutions and the Concrete Action Agenda of the People's Power", he expressed.

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The President also announced six strategic lines of action, including "advancing and consolidating the integral economic recovery of the country, strengthening the productive engines and achieving the stability of the fundamental economic markers."

In addition, these guarantee plans for the rewarding human development and social protection of the people; ensuring the right to the environment, the city and public services; and promoting the participation of the People's Power to guarantee good governance.

Likewise, to defend national sovereignty, territorial integrity, peace and strengthen the role of Venezuela in the new world geopolitics; and consolidate a new system of justice, citizen security and the Peace Quadrants.

On the other hand, he indicated three issues prioritized for the beginning of the new Government stage: water, education and public health. "I am launching three priorities of action for the next 60 days and I call on the Government to assume them", he said.

Previously, the Head of State highlighted that Venezuelans have faced "intense battles in a civic-military union, and we are still standing and victorious; we will move forward with the new way of governing of 1x10".

For her part, the Executive Vice-President, Delcy Rodríguez, specified that the 1x10 is a method through which, via Internet, there will be a direct interaction between the Government and the people to address the various problems they may have.

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