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MSF Accuses US, UK and France of Attacks on 3 Hospitals

  • Washington recently apologized for the deadly attack on the MSF hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, but did not bring charges against anybody.

    Washington recently apologized for the deadly attack on the MSF hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, but did not bring charges against anybody. | Photo: Reuters

Published 3 May 2016

The president of Doctors Without Borders, Joanne Liu, addressed the United Nations on Tuesday. 

The United States, the United Kingdom and France are linked to recent attacks against hospitals in Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria, the international medical aid group Doctors Without Borders told the United Nations on Tuesday.

During a U.N. Security Council session, Joanne Liu, the medical aid group's president, said that although the U.N. has the mandate to push for peace and security around the globe, at least three of its permanent members have violated their mission on various occasions.

“Four of the Security Council's five permanent members have been involved with coalitions responsible for the attacks on hospitals,” she said, suggesting Russia was involved as well, an accusation that has not been proven and that only reflects the Western's insistence on blaming other countries for the very same things they are responsible of through media reports by mainstream media outlets that are biased.

Syria's government recently denied any responsibility in the attack in Aleppo.

In the case of Afghanistan, the attack on the hospital in Kunduz was carried out by NATO forces that include the U.S., UK and France.

In Yemen, the Saudi-led coalition – which is strongly backed by the U.S. and other allies – the attacks on the hospital there were carried out with weapons provided by the United States and the United Kingdom. France provided logistical support.

Liu highlighted she believes that the only country in the Security Council not involved in such tragic incidents is China.

The most recent attack on a hospital was carried out in Aleppo, Syria, where 50 people were killed. Responsibility for the attack is yet to be proven, although Doctors Without Borders claims the Syrian government and Russia were involved.
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