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News > Brazil

Lula's Lawyers to Take Case to UN in Wake of New Revelations

  • Women wearing headbands that read 'Free Lula' at a demonstration against Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 14, 2019.

    Women wearing headbands that read 'Free Lula' at a demonstration against Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 14, 2019. | Photo: Reuters

Published 25 June 2019

"There is no possible legal remedy" to the Lulas's case due to political pressures in Brazil.

The lawyers of Brazil's former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced Tuesday they will formally present to the United Nations the information leaked by The Intercept, which reveals manipulations of the "Car Wash" legal proceedings that resulted in their defendant's conviction and subsequent ban on him from running for the country's presidential election. 


New Leak Shows Top Brazilian Judge Colluded With Car Wash Prosecutors

They are also getting ready to demonstrate that "there is no possible legal remedy" to the case of the Workers' Party (PT) leader in Brazil due to political pressures on the Judiciary to prevent his release.

The defense lawyers allege ​​​​​​​that some army members have colluded with far-right President Jair Bolsonaro's in order to to plan the political persecution taking place against Lula, which legal experts have referred to as "lawfare"

Lula da Silva accused former judge Sergio Moro of partiality when executing his sentence.

"He was determined to condemn me even before receiving the prosecutors' complaint," the leader of the Workers' Party (PT) leader said through a letter written released from the federal prison at Curitiba, state of Parana, where he has been imprisoned for 443 days.

In the conversations leaked by The Intercept, Moro even gives instructions to prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol on how to lead the indictment in Lula's case.

While Bolsonaro denies such information by saying it is part of a "gay" conspiracy, local media Folha de Sao Paulo revealed on the weekend ​​​​​​​new conversations between Moro and Dallagnol. This local media also published technical reports which confirm the authenticity of the recordings.

Lula's defense team unsuccessfully requested that the Habeas Courpus hearing be a priority due to the age of the former president, who is already 73 years old​​​​​​​.

The Habeas Corpus petition was filed in 2018, the year in which Lula was imprisoned and Moro accepted the post of Justice Minister in the Bolsonaro's administration​​​​​​. The courts were expected to rule on it Tuesday afternoon. 

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